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Running Conduit using a pre-built binary.

The recommended way of running Conduit on a local machine is using a pre-built binary. Below we'll walk through getting Conduit installed and running on your system.


First, download the latest Conduit release for your platform.

For an ARM based back Mac for example we'd grab the conduit_0.10.0_Darwin_arm64.tar.gz archive.

unzip the archive

tar xzvf conduit_0.10.0_Darwin_arm64.tar.gz


In the directory in which you expanded the archive. Execute the Conduit binary:

.:::: ::::.
.:::::::: ::::::::.
`:::::::: ::::::::‘
`:::: ::::‘
`::::::::::‘ Conduit v0.10.0 linux/amd64
2024-02-20T21:37:45+00:00 INF All 0 tables opened in 0s component=badger.DB
2024-02-20T21:37:45+00:00 INF Discard stats nextEmptySlot: 0 component=badger.DB
2024-02-20T21:37:45+00:00 INF Set nextTxnTs to 0 component=badger.DB
2024-02-20T21:37:45+00:00 INF builtin plugins initialized component=builtin.Registry count=6
2024-02-20T21:37:45+00:00 WRN could not read plugin directory error="open /app/connectors: no such file or directory" component=standalone.Registry
2024-02-20T21:37:45+00:00 INF standalone plugins initialized component=standalone.Registry count=0 plugin_path=/app/connectors
2024-02-20T21:37:45+00:00 INF processors initialized component=processor.Service count=0
2024-02-20T21:37:45+00:00 INF connectors initialized component=connector.Service count=0
2024-02-20T21:37:45+00:00 INF pipelines initialized component=pipeline.Service count=0
2024-02-20T21:37:45+00:00 INF pipeline configs provisioned component=provisioning.Service created=[] deleted=[] pipelines_path=./pipelines
2024-02-20T21:37:45+00:00 INF grpc server started address=[::]:8084
2024-02-20T21:37:45+00:00 INF http server started address=[::]:8080
2024-02-20T21:37:45+00:00 INF
2024-02-20T21:37:45+00:00 INF click here to navigate to Conduit UI: http://localhost:8080/ui
2024-02-20T21:37:45+00:00 INF click here to navigate to explore the HTTP API: http://localhost:8080/openapi
2024-02-20T21:37:45+00:00 INF

You should now be able to interact with the Conduit UI and HTTP API on port 8080.

Next Steps

Now that you have Conduit installed it's time to explore some other topics.